Spondylosis (Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar) and PID.

The Vertebral disc lesions affect nearly 80% of the people.Spondylosis (Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar) and PID. It is the most common causes of job related disability leading to missed work and the second most common neurological ailment. Raised incidence of these disorders are observed probably resulted from extensive vehicular riding, uneven roads, irregular dietetic habits , irregular postures, insufficient sleep, injuries to vertebras, leads to loss of cushion action in between vertebral bodies. Many times patients get moderate to severe pain in lumbar or cervical region. It affects day to day activities and also leads to incurable problems like spondylolithiasis, spinal canal stenosis, sacralization, CaudaEquina Syndrome etc.
In charak samhita sutra sthan the  Samshodhan Chikitsa has been mentioned. Ayurveda management of vertebral disc lesions by panchkarma  therapies and herbomineral formulations.This attempt possibly finds solutions which can delay or even prevent surgical intervenation as Sandhis are sites of Marma. It is an effective, simple, safe treatment modality for vertebral disc lesion.

Shodhanam shamanam samasadaushadham dvidha. ( C.Su.1/25)

1. Panchakarm therapy ( Done by Ayurvedic center )
2  Tab. Arogyavardhini - 250 mg BD,
    Tab. Panchtiktaghritha Guggulu  250 mg BD.


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