शीघ्र पतन (Premature Ejaculation)

Premature Ejaculation (शीघ्र पतन)
Premature Ejaculation is a Sexual dysfunction aged below 40 years.

Treatment :-
1 Virya Stabhan vati -   
     वीर्य स्तंभन वटी।              1-3 tablets
with honey then after drink  milk ad. with sugar.

2 Shatsakar churna  -   
      षटसकार चूर्ण।      5gram at night only 8 days.

3 Virya Shodhan vati  - 
     वीर्य शोधन वटी       2 tablet  three time in day.

4 Shilajit Sat -
   शिलाजीत सत्      1 drop with milk.


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