Back ache (कमर दर्द)

 In general practice back ache very common and pervasive health problems.
Every human being suffering for back ache.
All classes of population complaint may be in urban or rural setup.
In ayurvedic text describe low back ache as a vitiation / increase of vatadosha .

1 More Excessive physical work which involves lower limb.
2 sudden bending, lifting of heavy object or thing.
3 Common among females than males.
4 Depression.
5 Anxiety.
6 A mentally Stressful job or sedentary lifestyle.
1 yograjguggul 2-2 tab. BD with
   Rasnadi kwath 20 ml 
2 Ajmodadi churna 2-3 gm Bd with water
3 Narayan tail (oil) for massage .


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