Typhoid fever / Antric jwara (मोतीझरा)

The typhoid occur annually causing more than 100000 death.
Modern study say that Salmonella typhi causes the disease of typhoid.
The salmonella typhi enters the body of a healthy person in following condition
1- uncooked food and fouling food.
2- Drinking unfiltered water.
1 Major symptoms of typhoid are fever and rash.
2 Fever up to 103 to 104 degrees
3 Headaches
4 Weakness
5 Poor appetite etc.

Ayurveda say that -  when vata,pitta,and kapha is an imbalance (vitiation). Then it causes disease in the body.

ज्वर सम्प्राप्ति - मिथ्याहार विहाराभ्यां दोषा ह्मामाशयाश्रया। 
                       बहिर्निरस्य  कोष्ठाग्नि ज्वरदाः स्यु रसनुगाः।।

 Treatment :-
1 Laxminarayan ras 125 mg BD advice with  Ginger juice and honey   
2 kasturibherav ras 2 tab. BD bhrami kwath
3 Aroygyavardarni  vati 2 tab BD with lukewarm water 

when pittaadhikya  - sutshekhar ras 1 tab. TDS with Milk and mishri powder.
                                  Sanjivani vati 2 tab. BD with Water


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