Diet plan 2 to 5 year children

Children bodies need nutrition on a regular basis. Children this age are very fast active.

Nutrient needs.
           Calories+Protein = child needs depends on both his age and weight in kilograms.
Improper and lack of diet may lead to malnutrition in children.

Breakfast :-
Milk - 100 ml
Butter - 50 gram
Cheese - 25 gram
Breadd slice with vegetable sandwiches.
Lunch :-
  Rice - 50 gm, Chappati 2 (medium size )
  Dal :- 15 gm
  Curd -70 gm (1/2 bowl)
  Green vegetable (1/2 bowl)
Roasted gram/biscuiets 2-3
Milk or Fresh juice -20 ml
7:30 PM:- 
Rice - 50 gm
Dal or Green vegetable -1/2Bowl
Diet Before sleep :- Hot milk -100 ml


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