
Showing posts from September, 2016

Typhoid fever / Antric jwara (मोतीझरा)

The typhoid occur annually causing more than 100000 death. Modern study say that Salmonella typhi causes the disease of typhoid. The salmonella typhi enters the body of a healthy person in following condition 1- uncooked food and fouling food. 2- Drinking unfiltered water. Symptoms:-  1 Major symptoms of typhoid are fever and rash. 2 Fever up to 103 to 104 degrees 3 Headaches 4 Weakness 5 Poor appetite etc. Ayurveda say that -  when vata,pitta,and kapha is an imbalance (vitiation). Then it causes disease in the body. ज्वर सम्प्राप्ति - मिथ्याहार विहाराभ्यां दोषा ह्मामाशयाश्रया।                         बहिर्निरस्य  कोष्ठाग्नि ज्वरदाः स्यु रसनुगाः।।  Treatment :- 1 Laxminarayan ras 125 mg BD advice with  Ginger juice and honey    2 kasturibherav ras 2 tab. BD bhrami kwath 3 Aroygyavardarni  vati 2 tab BD with lukewarm water  when pit...

Tips of the day for Benign tumor(अर्बुद/गाँठ)

Benign tumor is not a malignant tumor. Benign tumor don't spreed to other part of the body. Benign tumor are noncancerous. 100 % Result   you can use the formula  Kanchnar guggulu 2 tab. BD advice with Triphla kwath. (for 3 month) शऱीर में कही भी गाँठ होने पर इस फॉर्मूले का  प्रयोग करे।  १००% Result. कांचनार गुग्गुलु २ - २ गोली सुबह शाम  त्रिफला क्वाथ के साथ।  (३ माह तक प्रयोग करे। ) Note :- You can also give order for this formula. Plz send details by mail,whatsapp, or text messaging. My mail id - Contact no. +91-9425716310.

Back ache (कमर दर्द)

 In general practice back ache very common and pervasive health problems. Every human being suffering for back ache. All classes of population complaint may be in urban or rural setup. In ayurvedic text describe low back ache as a vitiation / increase of vatadosha . Causes :-   1 More Excessive physical work which involves lower limb. 2 sudden bending, lifting of heavy object or thing. 3 Common among females than males. 4 Depression. 5 Anxiety. 6 A mentally Stressful job or sedentary lifestyle. Treatment:-  1 yograjguggul 2-2 tab. BD with    Rasnadi kwath 20 ml  2 Ajmodadi churna 2-3 gm Bd with water 3 Narayan tail (oil) for massage .

Diet plan 2 to 5 year children

Children bodies need nutrition on a regular basis. Children this age are very fast active. Nutrient needs.            Calories+Protein = child needs depends on both his age and weight in kilograms. Improper and lack of diet may lead to malnutrition in children. Breakfast  :- Milk - 100 ml Butter - 50 gram Cheese - 25 gram Breadd slice with vegetable sandwiches. Lunch :-   Rice - 50 gm, Chappati 2 (medium size )   Dal :- 15 gm   Curd -70 gm (1/2 bowl)   Green vegetable (1/2 bowl) 5:00PM:-   Roasted gram/biscuiets 2-3 Milk or Fresh juice -20 ml 7:30 PM:-  Rice - 50 gm Dal or Green vegetable -1/2Bowl Curd-1/2bowl Diet Before sleep :- Hot milk -100 ml

Chronic rhinitis

When The rising temperature and the blooming flower a lot of people are suffering from allergic rhinitis. Rhinitis is inflammation of the nose. Runny nose, nasal itching, nasal congestion, and sneezing. Allergic rhinitis is caused by an allergic reaction to pollan and dust mites. Patient may have sensitivity to a particular allergen. me According to Ayurveda mandagni,kapha vrudhi, virudha aahara adhi. Treatment :-   Vyoshadhi vati 2 BD with lukewarm water and haridra  khanda 1 teaspoon early morning empty stomach with milk.

Quick relief for acidity

Symptoms:- 1 Heart burn 2 Burning in the stomach 3 Nausea 4 Restlessness 5 Belching 6 Indigestion Treatment :- Quick relief in 60 sec. -  Shankh bhasm 125 mg with water .

अमृतारिष्ट (Amritarishta) tips of the day

Amritarishta It is used for debility after fever. This is ayurvedic medicine used the treatment of chronic fever, typhoid fever. It is natural immunity booster. Amritarishta ia also beneficial for patients suffering from gout or elevated uric acid level,poor appetite and hepatitis (jaundice). Dosage:-  15 - 20 ml two time a day equal quantity of water. Advised after food. Note :- Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) Main ingredient in amritarishta.

Mental Stress

1 Shankhpushpi churna 3-3 gram BD with Ghee (शंखपुष्पी चूर्ण 3-3 ग्राम सुबह शाम घी से ।)

Alcoholism (मद एवं मदात्यय)

मद्य एवं विष में ओज (immune defence) के विपरीत गुण होते है। Alcohol तमो गुण प्रधान होने से बुद्धि का नाश करके मदात्यय (alcoholism) रोग उत्पन्न करते है । Alcoholism four stages. stage l - stage of stimulation - stimulation or refreshing stage of alcoholism (बुद्धि स्मृति प्रीतिकर ,सूखकर) Stage ll - stage of excitement (उत्तेजना के कारण मद्य सेवी व्यक्ति का स्वभाव तथा बुद्धि में परिवर्तन हो जाता है ।) Stage lll - Stage of Delirium (नष्टसंज्ञ:) Stage lV - Stage of Coma (निष्क्रिय) Alcoholism Treatment :- 1 अष्टांग लवण चूर्ण 2  महाकल्याण वटी 3  दूध प्रयोग या अम्ल पदार्थ (खट्टे पदार्थ) नोट:-  मद्यपान के तुरंत बाद घृत शर्करा लेने से मद्य का प्रभाव कम हो जाता है ।

स्वप्नदोष Nightfall

स्वप्नदोष यौवनावस्था का सामान्य रोग है । माह में एक या दो बार होना सामान्य है । इससे अधिक् बार होने पर इसे नजर अंदाज नहीं करना चाहिए । अत्यधिक स्वप्नदोष के कारण शारीरक एवं मानसिक रोगों को बढ़ावा मिलता है ,जिसके परिणाम स्वरूप गंभीर पीठ दर्द, वृषण दर्द ,तनाव और अवसाद जन्य लक्षण मिलते है1। कारण:- श्रृंगारिक एवं कामोत्तेजक दृश्य - नाटक ,सिनेमा, चित्र देखना और अन्तर्निहित करना । कामोत्तेजक पुस्तक को पढ़ना, सुन्दर स्त्री संपर्क, कामी पुरुष या स्त्री की संगति,मल मूत्र वेग का रोकना, अप्राकृतिक मैथुन, नशा करना, अत्यधिक रात्रि जागरण, सोते समय गर्म दूध का सेवन, सोने से पहले कामोत्तेजक विषयक चिंतन आदि। चिकित्सा:- 1 अश्वगंधा चूर्ण   3-3 ग्राम दूध से सुबह शाम 2  प्रवाल भस्म 5 ग्राम     अभ्रक भस्म 5 ग्राम     गिलोय सत 10 ग्राम तीनो को मिला कर 30 पुड़िया 1-1 सुबह शाम शहद से 3 वीर्य स्तम्भन वटी 2 -2 सुबह शाम दूध से 4 चंद्रप्रभा वटी 2-2 सुबह शाम दूध से । नोट :- एक माह में पूर्ण लाभ होगा। कामोत्तेजक पुस्तक पढ़ना एवं मन में किसी प्रकार से इस ...

Diabetes Mellitus

अधिक मात्रा में या बार बार और प्रायः आविल या गंदले मूत्र का त्याग ही प्रमेह कहलाता है। आस्यसुखं स्वप्नसुखं दधीनि ग्राम्योदकानूपरसाः पयांसि। नवान्नपानं गुडवैकृतं च प्रमेहहेतुः कफकृच्च सर्वम्॥ Causes of diabetes as per Ayurveda आस्यसुखं – Comfortable seating (luxury, sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activities and exercise) स्वप्नसुखं– comforts of sleeping, excess sleeping कफज आहार – All foods and lifestyle activities which increase Kapha सहज  (inherited factor) चिंता  (stress) शोक (grief) भय  (fear) long standing illness आलस्य  (sedentary life) पूर्वरूप   ( Clinical symptoms of Diabetes ) दांतो का मेला होना .   ( Tartar in teeth ) हाथ पैर  में दाह ( Burning sensation of hands and feet ) तृष्णा ( Excessive thirst ) मुख का मीठा प्रतीत होने ( Feeling sweetness in mouth ) मूत्र का अधिक आना ( Excessive urination ) अधिक पसीना   (Excess perspiration) Desire for sedentary life  Dryness of palate & throat M...

INSOMNIA (अनिद्रा,निद्रानाश )

Ayurvedic / Modern View Introduction Tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha are described as Tristhuna (Three main pillars) of Ayurveda- the science of life. Similarly Aahara (food), Nindra (Sleep) and Bramhacharya are described to be the Trayopasthambas (Three supportive pillars). Hence forth, Sleep is one of the essential factors to lead a healthy life. It has been rightly stated by Acharya Charaka that happiness & misery, proper & improper growth, good strength & weakness. Vagbhatta has mentioned that due to Nidranasha – malaise, heaviness in head, yawning, laziness, languor, giddiness, indigestion, stupor and Vatajanya rogas will be manifested. (A.S.Su.9/56; A.H.Su.7/64) Broadly, the etiological factors of Anidra or Nidranash can be categorized in two headings, viz. Sharirika and Manasika. The former category comprises Shodhana Atiyoga, Vyayama, Upavasa, dietary articles and routine activities causing Vata-pitta vitiation etc. On account of mental disposition...

Chikungunya and its Management in Ayurveda

Now a day chikungunya present in many parts of india. Chikungunya is caused by alpha viruses and transmitted by Adesh aegypti mosquito. Symptoms 1 Severe pain in the joints. 2 High body temperature, upto 104 degree celsius 3 Headaches 4 Red eyes 5 Eyes sensitive to light. The only blood test can detect the disease. The clinical features closely resembles that of sannipata jwara. Asthi sandhi shiroruja , raktanetra , tandra, moha,srasthangata, nidrahani are seen in both sannipata jwara and chikungunya. Treatment in Ayurveda 1 Godanti+ guduchi satwa 2 Tribhuwankeerti rasa 3 Amavatahara rasa 4 Agnitundi vati. 5 Mahasudarshan kadha. All are useful depending on the condition.