Dyspepsia (अम्लपित्त)

Today’s life style is completely changed by all the means our diet pattern, life styles and behavioral pattern is changed and it is not suitable for our normal physiology of digestion of body. 25 – 30 % peoples are suffering from dyspepsia. These diseases are chronic in nature and affecting to adults mostly. Patients of gastritis often results into peptic ulcer. 
Gastritis and non-ulcer dyspepsia have been correlated with Amlapitta. 
Madhava Nidana has given a clinical definition of Amlapitta that presence of Avipaka(Indigestion), Klama (weakness without work), Utklesha (Nausea), Amlodgara (Acid eructation’s), Gaurava (heaviness), Hrit-Kantha- Daha (Heart burn) and Aruchi (Anorexia) should be termed as Amlapitta. (M. N. 51/2)
Cause (Nidana):-
आहार (Food) : The first and the foremost group of etiological factors of Amlapitta may be considered as the dietary factors.
विहार (Habit Factors) : To keep the health undisturbed one is required to follow the healthy code of habits. He requires to have regular habits of defaecation, to eat properly and to sleep in time.
मानसिक कारण  (Psychological Factors) : Psychology also plays a great role in maintaining the health and psychological activities.
आगन्तुज कारण (Miscellaneous Factors) : Like alcohol, tobacco, beverages, smoking or other irritant substances etc. are taken. These substances cause a local irritation in the stomach which is turn secretes more gastric juice. 
Modern :-
1 Genetic Factors - Acidity is seen mostly in persons with blood group ‘O’ and families with such blood group prove relations of genetic factor, probably the blood group modifies the oxyntic cell population.
2 Drugs : Drugs like corticosteroids, xanthine, aspirin, alkaloids, NSAIDS, reserpine are reported to be causing or predisposing the occurrence of peptic ulcers.

Types According to Ayurveda :-  
                A. Two types according to Gati, 1) Urdhvaga
                                                                    2) Adhoga
                B. Three types according to Kashyapa.
                                                                        1) Vatolvana                                                 
                                                                        2) Pittolvana

                                                                        3) Kapholvana 
Treatment :-
1 Motipishti (मोतीपिष्टी) 4 gram
   kamdudha ras (कामदुधा) 20 gram
   mukta sukti bhasm (मुक्ताशुक्ति) 10 gram (60 puoch ) 1 pouch BD (सुबह शाम)
2 harad churna (हरड चूर्ण) 1 gram + 1 gram honey + jaggery (गुड़ )  
3 एक लौंग (clove) और एक इलाइची (Cardamom)भोजन के बाद व  नाश्ते के बाद ले।   


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