CANCER ( कैंसर )

An abnormal mass of tissue the growth of which exceeds and is uncoordinated with that of the normal tissues and persists in the same excessive manner after the cessation of the stimuli which evoked the change.
 1-Benign -They are circumscribed and localized and do not transform into            cancer   
 2-Malignant - Malignant neoplasms are commonly called cancer.  

Genetic - Some types of cancer are genetically predisposed, such as breast cancer and certain types of colon and skin cancer. Individuals with Down syndrome have a greater risk of developing acute leukemia.
Smoking- Tobacco is one of the main causes of cancer. It can bring about head, neck, lung, mouth, larynx and bladder cancer.
Ultraviolet -Prolonged exposure to the sun and excessive sun burning and tanning increase the risk of skin cancer.
X-ray beams-Prolonged exposure to X-rays can result in cancer of the blood cells or acute leukemia.
Excessive sexual activity or unsafe sex.
Excessive physical effort.
Activities that are not in accordance with the body constitution, whereupon Vata, Pitta or Kapha will increase.
Not following the seasonal rhythm in lifestyle and diet.
The treatment of cancer has increased in complexity. Surgical procedures are often less extensive than in proceeding decades however, to limit the extent of surgery, the patient receives adjuvant chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which increases the length and the toxicities of treatment.

The disease Arbuda is entity with dominant Kapha Dosha & Rakta
Mamsa, and Meda are Dushya. The treatment administered should be
Kaphahara, Mamsa and Medodushtihara. Taking these aspects in to
consideration many therapeutical measures have been prescribed by the
ancient Acharyas.

The specific treatment for the disease Arbuda includes:
Bhaishaijya Chikitsa 
Shalya Chikitsa
Bhaishaijya Chikitsa IS 
1 kanchnatgugulu 2 tab BD with triphala kwath.
2 Chandraprabha vati 2 tab BD
3 vjrabhasma 200 mg
   Giloy sat 10 gram
   Abhrak bhasm 5 gram mix prepare 30            pouch. 1 pouch BD with Honey.


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