Tips of Guduchi ( गिलोय ,अमृता)

LN- Tinospora cordifolia
Family- Menispermaceae
Snskrit name - Guduchi
Hindi name - Amrata.
In Ayurvedic text different therapeutic uses (karma) are described as meha, kasa, pandu, kamala, vatarakta, krimi and jwara disorder etc.
The herb also has balya, agnidipaka, rasayana, sangrahi properties.
Guduchi has been used in Ayurvedic rasayans since centuries.

Following are therapeutic used of Tinospora cordifolia.
1 Effects on Stress - Increasing strength, digestive or promoting memory(medhya).
2 Effect on Immunity Disorders - In Ayurveda.
3 Anti allergic properties
4 Cardioprotective activity
5 Anti oxidant activity
6 Antimicrobial
7 Diuretic activity

Ayurvedic text say that the guduchi is placed amongest the rasayana dravyas which improves the system and the bodys resistance against infections. Guduchi is a unique source given by ayurveda.



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