Gout (Joint pain)

Gout is caused by an elevated uric acid in
the blood.
The levels of uric acid elevated in the bloodstream and accumulation of uric acid crystals in tissues of the body.
Causes of the gout is sedentary life, obesity, lack of sleep,alcohol,indigestion,Virudhha aahar, salty, hot, spicy, oily food.
Site of first acute attack is great toe ( पादांगुष्ठ या अंगूठा ) and affects ankle ( टखना ),knee ( घुटना ),
small joint of feet ( पैर के छोटे जॉइंट )
In Ayurveda gout is known as vatarakta ( वातरक्त )
Treatment :-
 Keshor guggulu (कैशोर गुग्गुलु ) 2-2 tab BD with
                                                                      Manjishtadi kwath (मंजिष्ठादि क्वाथ ) or lukewarm water
2- Giloy sat ( गिलोय सत )  200 mg BD with  honey.


  1. These ayurvedic remedy is really good. or you can take herbal gout supplements. This is also very much effective medicine to treat gout problem.


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