Hyperlipidemia ( हाइपरलिपिडेमिया )
Hyperlipidemia is too much cholesterol and high triglyceride level in the blood.
cholesterol is a waxy fat protein manufacture by the liver and is essential for healthy cell membranes, hormone production and vitamins storage.
Hyperlipidemia is also called high cholesterol, hyercholesterolemia or hypertriglyceridemia.
- LDL (low density lipoprotein) is bed.
- HDL (high density lipoprotein ) is good.
Diet high in saturated fats contribute to hyperlipdemia.
Secondary causes :-
- Obesity
- A diet with high fat and high glycemic index content.
- Insufficient physical activity.
- Alcohol consumption
- Diabetes mellitus type-2
- Hyperthyroidism
According to Ayurveda :-
Hyperlipidemia is such a diseases, it have not special reference in ayurvedic literature.
Hyperlipidemia is pre- diseases condition.
Hyperlipidemia under the heading of medorogs, few of them have consider as rasagatasnehavriddhi, raktagatasnehavriddhi.
Hyperlipidemia is also considered under santarpanjanya vyaddhi.
रोगाः सर्वेअपि मंदाग्नो । ( A.H.ni. 12/1)
Acharya mention that allevition and aggravation of all the dosha are dependent upon agni.
Diagnosis:- Blood cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL,VLDL and HDL.
Management of Hyperlipidemia :- Dietary management
- To reduce intake of saturated fat
- To reduce meat and dairy product or food
- Increase the intake of vegetable and fruits.
- Regular exercise ( walking,jogging,dancing,swimming, and cycling)
- Smoking and excessive alcohol should be avoided.
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