Urticaria (शीतपित्त,फफोले)

Urticaria is truly not one diseases but a reaction pattern of skin. A vascular reaction, usually transient, involving the upper dermis, representing localized edema caused by dilation and increased permeability of the capillaries.
A transient redness and swelling of skin with itching, causing weals in the dermis or large hypodermal swelling is called urticaria.
Causes:- IgE antibodies mediated
 Food - Nuts,Eggs,fish, tomatoes, spice and yeasts etc.
Drugs- Pain killer/ antirheumatic, aspirin, codeine.
Antibiottics Penicillin,sulphonamides,salicylates.
Letex, dust, animal dander and pollen.

In Ayurvedic text urticaria is shitapitta.
Shitapitta is comprises of two word shita+ Pitta and indicates vitiation vata + pitta dosha.
Causes by guru dravya, snigdha bhojan, dadhi, amla, lavana etc. All are responsible factors for mandagni, which plays major role in pathogenesis of shitapitta.

शीतपित्त (फफोले) के लक्षण :-
1 त्वचा का उठा हुआ होना जैसे किसी मच्छर ने काटा हो।
2 कण्डू (खुजली का अत्यधिक होना)
3 जलन का अनुभव होना।
4 ज्वर या उल्टी का होना ।
1 Haridra khanda 1/2 tsp leukwarm water empty stomach
2 kamdhudharas 5 gm
   Arogyavardhini vati 5 gm
   Sutshrkhar ras 5 gm mix and 30 pouch 1 BD
3 Agnikumar ras 1tab BD


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