Piles (पाइल्स,बवासीर)
Haemorrhoids are blood-filled swellings caused by dilated varicose veins. Dilatation of the veins of the internal rectal plexus constitutes the condition of the internal haemorrhoids, which are covered by mucous membrane. The dilatation of the veins commonly occurs due to any straining at stool chronic constipation etc
Haemorrhoids are blood-filled swellings caused by dilated varicose veins. Dilatation of the veins of the internal rectal plexus constitutes the condition of the internal haemorrhoids, which are covered by mucous membrane. The dilatation of the veins commonly occurs due to any straining at stool chronic constipation etc
position indicated as by the face of a clock at 3, 7 & 11 o‟clock position.
factors is
1 Dietetic factors - Incompatable diet,excessive or less intake.
2 Local
irritation factors - Defective sitting, vehicle riding.
3 .Gentic factor -
4 Hereditary- Some defects in the venous
structure have been held responsible.
5 Constipation.
6 Prolonged Standing-
Obesity- Obesity can be a factor by increasing
rectal vein pressure. 8 Anatomical Factors:
I. Portal Obstruction
Abdominal Tumours
of rectum
can be divided into three parts :-
1. Pedicle-This is situated in the rectum just
above the ano-rectal ring. As seen through a proctoscope.
2. Internal Haemorrhoid- This commences at
the ano-rectal ring and ends at the pectinate line.
3. An External Associated Haemorrhoid:
Airvt! àai[nae
ma<skIlka ivzsiNt yt!,TaAzaRiNs
tSmaÊCyNte gudmagR inraext>,
Sushruta has
also described about the Arsha that it can be occurred in various site and
organ like Medhra, Karna, Akshi, Ghrana, Vadana, Charma, etc.
As per Charaka
enumeration regarding Arsha, it is defined that the mass which is formed in
Guda by pathological involvement of Twak, Mamsa and Meda. More ever it is also
opined by Charaka that a projection which is produced in Guda is called Arsha
while in other places of body is known as Adhimansa
Charaka has
stated these two types.
Aardra are bleeding piles due to vitiation of Rakta
and Pitta mainly
Shushka Arsha
(Non bleeding pile masses) is due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha.
According to
site – 1.
Bahya 2.
Ayurveda say Mandagni
- Arshas, Grahani and Atisar are caustive factors for each other.
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