नींद का नहीं आना (Insomnia)

आज की भाग दौड़ भरी जिंदगी में नींद न आने की समस्या आम हो गई है, जो की और दूसरे रोगों को उत्पन्न करता है।
In The Modern Era the Sleep Disorder are Increasing abundantly. In These Sleep Disorder Nindranash being faced Promptly by the people who are not following the sleep hygiene. The prolonged or abnormal inability to this sleep in Know an Nindranash.
Everyone is struggling for existence, so man is working hard for day and night with out taking adequate sleep. Beside that mental stress , addiction of alcohol and tobacco leads to insufficient of sleep.
In basic texts Aswapna, Nidralapata, Nidrakshaya,Nidrahani,Nidraghat,Mandnindra and Nidrabhramsha all these terms are included in Nidanash.The disease Nidranash is found to be gradually increasing in the society and has become one of the common health problems.Ayurveda has taken the foremost place in the management of crippling disease ,Nidranash {insomnia} is one of them.
सारे अंगों में दर्द (Malaise)     
सिर में भारीपन (Heaviness in head )                       जम्भाई (Yawning)       
मानसिक भ्रम या मानसिक विवेचना (Mental Aberration)
किसी कार्य के प्रति उत्साह नहीं (Guilt)
चक्कर आना (Giddiness)
झपकी आना, उंघाई (Drowsiness)
पेट का ख़राब हो जाना,अपच (Indigestion)    
1 shankhpushpi churna (शंखपुष्पी चूर्ण)
                                          3-3 gram BD ghee se
2 Smrati sagar ras (स्मृति सागर रस)
                                          1-1 BD ghee se


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