Eczema ( खुजली )
The eczema is
a specific type of allergic cutaneous manifestation of antigen- antibody
reaction, which is with vesicle
formation and itching.
1. Age-
Infancy, puberty, menopause.
2. Familial predisposition Familial sensitiveness is an important factor.
Personal or family history of allergy is found.
Personal or family history of allergy is found.
3. Allergy
Like Asthma, hay fever etc.
4. Climate
Extreme of climate like heat, dampness, or severe cold trigger the onset. of eczema.
5. Psychological factors These are most important factors in reaction of hyper sensitivity.
6. Local factors Xeroderma, ichthyosis, greasy skin, hyperhydrosis, varicose veins causing congestion and focus of lowered resistance, hypostasis, chilblains, Dry winter cracked skin also predispose to eczema development
1. Chemicals
Insecticides, fertilizers, cement etc.
2. Plants Marking nut, radish, euphorbias etc
2. Plants Marking nut, radish, euphorbias etc
3. Clothing and footwear Synthetic clothes, rubber chappals, artificial jewellary etc
4. Cosmetics
Powders, lipsticks, hair dye, creams, perfumes. etc
In Ayurveda Eczema is VICHARCHIKA (विचर्चिका )
As we know, the term Kushtha covers almost all the skin diseases. Kustha is produced invariably by the vitiation of the seven factors i.e. 3 Doshas & 4 Dushyas.
Whereas Vicharchika means coating, cover, a form of cutaneous eruption, itching, scab surs. So, it can be concluded that, it is cutaneous eruption, itching, scab which spread in different directions
Marked lining, excessive itching and pain and dry lesion on the body called Vicharchika. If this condition occurs in feet with pain then it called as Vipadika.
1 Vangh
bhasma (वंग भस्म) 50 mg BD with nirgundi pttra ras (निर्गुण्डी पत्र रस )
2 Panchtikta
ghrut (पंचतिक्त घृत) 5 gram BD warm water
Mahamarichyadi tail locally apply ( महामरीच्यादि तेल लगाने के लिए )
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