Menopause ( रजोनिवृति,मासिकधर्म का बंद )

Menopause is the ending of a woman's menstrual periods.
Menopause may occur from 38 to 60 age.
But most women stop menstruating in their mild 40 to early 50.
Body hormones oestrogen & progesterone gradually stop working and hormone levels drop dramatically. This process begins 4 to 5 years before the final mentrual period.
Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become thin,fragile and highly prone to fracture. Menopause brings changes in the level of fats in a woman's blood. Elevated bad cholesterol and total cholesterol levels can lead to stroke and heart attack. For these problems,prevention is better than cure.

A few simple steps may help...

1 Take high calcium such as milk, yoghurt,       green leafy vegetable etc.
2  Eat fruits, vegetable and more cereal             product, especially those high in vitamin       C and orange, graps, carrots, tomatoes,           cauliflower.
3 always choose foods low in fat.
4 Habits good nutrition and regular                  exercises.


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